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I tell stories
100 words, or sometimes more

What Came From Fire

In the end, it was the Salad Nicoise that did them in.

Hestia’s promised ‘legendary food’, and they succeeded on all counts. Critics adored the manticore rump. The surf and turf (delivered as a single mermaid fillet) gave Giles Coren the happiest heart attack of his life.

But it couldn’t last.

The explosion levelled the restaurant and most of the surrounding block. All that remained was a clutch of startled chicks, cheeping and looking for mother.

A lesson to all budding chefs: if you’re cooking eggs, try to ensure they’re chicken, not phoenix.

This goes double if you’re using gas.


This one was using the prompt ‘Egg’, as suggested on the Facebook page.

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  • mummy dearest

    This is another good one, I like the idea of exploding phoenix eggs. Little Things was ok, bit more like you telling a joke rather than a tale, still made me smile though. Now I have a prompt for you, write a story about Black Rock, you enjoyed conquering your own Everest!

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