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I tell stories
100 words, or sometimes more


No-one deserves to die like that.

Pulled from her carriage, her skin torn away, the wreckage of her burned in the name of God.

Maybe they did it because of fear, because she was a pagan, because she was a woman who dared to think.

But if they did it for silence, they did it wrong.

The next day, there was just one word on the streets: “Hypatia…” “She thought that…” “Hypatia always said…”

Her killers were condemned, shunned like lepers. But I can’t help thinking: if we’d listened before she was a martyr, maybe she wouldn’t have become one.


I’ve taken a couple of liberties with what actually happened, but the horrific details are intact. Here’s a bit more information about Hypatia.

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